Impostor Syndrome

by | Apr 19, 2023

Do you sometimes doubt your skills or abilities, or feel like you are going to be ‘found out’, despite your successes? It could be that you are suffering from ‘Imposter Syndrome’, a condition first described by psychologists in the 1970s.

The characteristics of Imposter Syndrome also include agonising over the smallest of mistakes; attributing success to luck or external factors; being sensitive to criticism and downplaying expertise.

You are not alone

You are not alone – it is estimated that 70% of people will experience at least one episode of feeling this way. Highly successful people like Tom Hanks, Serena Williams and Ariane Huffington have reported Imposter Syndrome, but it can be found across all walks of life: parents often agonise over not being ‘as good’ as other parents; or a young person may constantly compare themselves to others on social media.

The cost of Imposter Syndrome is a constant anxiety and the need to keep working harder to make sure no one finds out you are a phony.

Tips To Overcome Impostor Syndrome

Here are some tips for overcoming Imposter Syndrome (I’ve included links to some of my other blog posts which will help):

  • Confront the beliefs – make a truthful assessment of your abilities, have a read of my blog post about positive self-talk
  • Focus on others – helping them to achieve
  • Talk about it – others will probably report feeling the same
  • Don’t focus on perfection – embrace ‘good enough’
  • Stop comparing yourself to others – be kind to yourself
  • Moderate your use of social media
  • Reduce anxiety with relaxation techniques

Don’t let Imposter Syndrome hold you back or stop you from pursuing your goals. If you’re struggling with low self-esteem you might be interested to read my other blog post on “Combatting Low Self Esteem”.

Changing your mindset to focus on the positive outcomes for the future is a big part of solution-focused hypnotherapy. If you need help to overcome your negative thoughts, get in touch.