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Procrastination - Why do it today when you can put it off until tomorrow? What is procrastination? Procrastination, the act of unnecessarily postponing decisions or actions, is the bane of productivity. Studies show that around 20% of adults procrastinate chronically,...

Vaping: Pros and Cons

Vaping: Pros and Cons

Today I want to talk about the pros and cons of vaping. As well as offering you a solution to quit if you're looking to give up this habit. Vaping and E-cigarettes England now has around 4.5 million e-cigarette users and, in the UK, the proportion of children (11 –...

Boys and Body Image

Boys and Body Image

Boys and body image worries. Body image is a term that describes how we think and feel about our bodies, impacting on our general sense of self and how comfortable we feel in our own skin. We normally associate body image issues with females; how a girl or woman wants...

Hypnotherapy and performance

Hypnotherapy and performance

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help with sports performance. Under hypnosis, the visualisation technique is particularly helpful in improving performance. Read on, to learn more. Getting ‘in the zone’ Sports performance has as much, if not more, to do with mental...

Anxiety – Can You Control It?

Anxiety – Can You Control It?

Can you control anxiety? Not really, everyone experiences anxiety for different reasons. Anxiety comes from a fear of losing control. During the pandemic, many of felt that lack of control. We did not know what the future would bring. When we are faced with situations...

Building Resilience To Stress

Building Resilience To Stress

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or adjust easily to change. Our world is one of rapid change and this can lead to stress – both in children and in adults. How is resilience developed? Resilience is developed by overcoming obstacles as...

Recognising and dealing with Gaslighting behaviour

Recognising and dealing with Gaslighting behaviour

We frequently hear the word Gaslighting these days, but it really only became popular in the mid-2010s and is now used more generally as a description of psychological manipulation. It is used to describe having one’s reality repeatedly questioned by another person...

Breaking the habits of a lifetime

Breaking the habits of a lifetime

How do we form habits? When we repeat a behaviour many times, it becomes hard-wired into our brains. This is why we practice learning how to ride a bike or drive a car until eventually we can do it without conscious awareness.This is also how habits are formed. Some...

Understanding the Health Benefits of Music

Understanding the Health Benefits of Music

The poet William Congreve wrote “music hath charms to sooth a savage breast”, but did you know that music also has great benefits for our general health? Understanding the health benefits of music can help us in our daily lives. Your Favourite Tunes: Listening to our...

Understanding The Teenage Brain

Understanding The Teenage Brain

The Teenage Brain It won’t be a surprise to anyone who knows one, but teens are different. And that is all down to their teenage brain! The brain is at its largest size at around age 11 for a male and 14 for a female. It is at its most powerful and yet its most...