Boys and Body Image

by | Feb 15, 2024

Boys and body image worries.

Body image is a term that describes how we think and feel about our bodies, impacting on our general sense of self and how comfortable we feel in our own skin.

We normally associate body image issues with females; how a girl or woman wants to be a certain size, or weight, or a particular body shape, but boys are also increasingly suffering from these issues.

The projection of the ‘perfect’ image on social media, in magazines, in films and on TV adds pressure particularly to teenagers to conform to certain standards of ‘beauty’ and social acceptance. Boys are being encouraged to see looking good as being strong and muscular and many are turning to muscle- building supplements to try to improve their ‘look’. Of course, exercising and being fit is important, but the focus on having that six-pack to look and feel good can be mentally unhealthy.

We are used to being careful with our language around girls, taking care around issues such as weight, diet and body shape, but we also need to do that around boys to encourage a positive self-

Charlotte Makey, author of Being You: The Body Image Book for Boys (Markey, Hart and Zacher) describes ways in which parents can help boys to develop a more positive self-image.

  1. Careful use of language – not reinforcing the stereotype of masculinity as physical strength
  2. Encouraging boys to talk about emotional issues
  3. Discussing the unrealistic images they see in the media and encouraging them to value attributes other than the physical

Further Reading

I have some more blog posts that might be interested in reading around a similar topic.

  1. Understanding the Teenage Brain: The teenage brain is inefficient in attention, self-discipline, task completion and control of emotions. But, teenagers do, have the ability to moderate their behaviour. And in this blog post I offer some helpful ideas.
  2. Self-talk: Focus on the Positive: Helping your daughter or your son learn how we all have an inner voice that we need to learn to challenge.
  3. Mental Health Issues in Children and Adolescents: Learn how to identify issues by the behavioural and physical signs you might see. I also provide some tips on how to talk to young people and steps you can take.
  4. Combatting Low Self-Esteem: This applies to adults and children. And in most cases, low self-esteem in adulthood often stems from something in childhood. Understanding what causes low self-esteem can help to prevent issues later. I also provide some suggestions on overcoming low self-esteem.
  5. My blogs in general: I have lots of different blogs around anxiety, building resilience, being kind to yourself and building mental strength. Take a look around and find the ones which work for you.

Extra Help: Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

I am qualified to work with children and young adults and often see them at my clinic. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy work is very helpful when working with children and young people, and it is widely used by the NSPCC. With SF, the young person is encouraged to imagine a future without the problem and create solutions to move towards that future. It is a very positive therapy and the approach can be modified to fit in with the young person’s interests, skills and preferences. The young person discovers what is working and identify their resources and strengths.

Contact me to have a chat about Solution Focused Hypnotherapy.